Thursday 14 August 2014

God qualifies the called

JACOB was a cheat.
PETER was hot tempered.
DAVID had an affair.
NOAH got drunk.
JONAH ran from God.
PAUL was a murderer. GIDEON
was poor & insecure.
MIRIAM was a gossip.
MARTHA was worried.
THOMAS was a doubter.
SARA was barren and
impatient. JOSEPH was a
SAMSON was a womanizer
ELIJAH was moody.
MOSES stammered.
ZACCHAEUS was short.
ABRAHAM was old and
LAZARUS was dead...
Now, what's YOUR excuse?
Can God use you or not?
- ~~~
God doesn't call the qualified.
He qualifies the called...
May God bless and heal every hand that type 'USE ME LORD'

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